Monday 8 February 2010

Absurd lies believed. Pop quiz..........from Rico

This is absurd. Ludicrous. Lies about 'recovery' and unemployment are actually believed by some.

The economy is losing jobs, but the government says the unemployment rate is declining. Unemployment is NOT getting better.

None...I say again, NONE of the fundamental problems of our over-leveraged financial system and economy have been addressed or fixed. Things are actually worse...we have been 'solving' our leveraging problem by going further into debt. With increased leverage.

Great idea. Put out the fire with gasoline! The fire will go out just as soon as the oxygen has been used up and is all gone.

Look at the attached chart of the FED financing the Treasury. It is a reasonable bet that the FED has essentially purchased ALL new Treasury issuance since the start of 2009.

No choice, multiple-answer pop quiz.
Q: What happens when the FED stops monetizing US Soverign Debt?
A: Pick all three: (a) it's gonna hurt and leave a mark, (b) your taxes are going way UP, and (c) government 'promises' to you are NOT going to be kept.

Welcome to debt slavery sheeple!

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