Thursday 18 March 2010

Bret Baier: 1; President Obama: 0

Rebel of the Year, Bret Baier Interviews President Obama (Part 1) - 03/17/10

"Certainly this was not what the White House had in mind when President Obama agreed to sit down and chat with the heretofore-nondescript Fox anchor. Where is Anita Dunn and her war on Fox News when you need her? With all due respect to Brit Hume and Charles Krauthammer, who didn't acknowledge on air that their colleague bested the president, Baier clearly had Obama fumbling around and stuttering and totally flustered . . . .Evidence that he was off balance could be found in the fact that he avoided answering almost all of Baier's questions and resorted to burying himself in the worn-out clichés of this entire debate, as this early exchange demonstrates." C. Edmund Wright, Bret Baier: 1; President Obama: 0

Bret Baier Interviews Obama Part 2/2

Thank you, FOX News!

John Hudson: Was it Worth it?

Was for us!

The Reb

1 comment:

Doug said...

Good thing we didn't go with that Palin chick, eh?