Sunday 14 March 2010

Demon Sheep

This is How it Ought to Be Done: Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina's Campaign Ad Challenging Barbara Boxer.


From your friends at The Reb.


Joshua Kriegshauser said...

Except that Carly Fiorina isn't much better. We need Chuck DeVore out here in CA!

rhhardin said...

"Voted against eliminating the marriage tax penalty"

That's been voted in and out every 50 years or so, each time as a fix.

You can't have the following desireable two things with a progressive tax system:

1. Each couple with the same total income pays the same tax.

2. The income tax code neither favors nor disfavors marriage.

That's really an argument that a flat tax system is necessary, but it's taken as an argument for eternal reform from 1 to 2 and back again, as the public forgets the last time.

Anyway, ads proclaim their ignorance with the issue, which isn't great for the ad.