Sunday 21 March 2010


. . . . . . . . . . . . . STORMBRINGER


Arthur said...

"When it's time to panic, I'll let you know."

Right, because you know what's best for us. Where have I hard that before?

foxmarks said...

I’m not in a panic. Instead, I have a disaffected calm.

I disagree. Things are that bad. This particular bill is not the whole of it. Not even the majority of it.

It's not an act of passion. It’s a job that needs doing. An ugly job. Perhaps better men would have found a different way around. But we are the men we are. And there’s work to do.

Let’s do it like The Duke would have. No hysterics. Strong, firm, and decisive.

You are correct. It is not over. But it will be, soon enough.