Wednesday 24 March 2010

The Price of Petrol..........

That's crazy and most of it is tax


Lola said...

I wouldn't mind so much if it was 'd' pence and gallons.

fboness said...

What's crazy?

All I see is one of those black monoliths from 2001 a Space Odyssey.

Murray said...

I think we're at about 70% of what we're paying being tax. The people that get the least return are the oil companies.

Eric said...

In Iran, they do nothing other than extract oil from under the ground(which is illegal in America, which has 50 times as much), sell it to other countries,(which America has only sold to Japan from Alaska) and buy it back (which America has done 1 to 10000 for 80 years)to sell to those who are fortunate enough to own cars at $0.30/gallon.

Every day America doesn't drill sends money to people who hate them.