Thursday 25 March 2010

Tea Party Burnout or just catching its breath?

I ask that over at PJM. Can the tea party movement stand the failure that was their last battle against Obamacare?


BuckIV said...

It's still early in the first quarter, we'll be back in the game.

CMB said...

Your post at Pajamas makes good sense to me. These protests don't do anything substantive, and people who think they will are always going to be disappointed in the end. But they do accomplish good things: you get media exposure, which encourages us at home, even if it's lousy coverage; and you manifestly encouraged Republican lawmakers on the hill who join you in opposition to this madness.

Strategy going forward has to be local politics. In the Michigan 3rd Vern Ehlers' retirement is a great example. There's a whole bevy of candidates vying for this seat from both parties. There is one, a Republican, who has considerable local Tea Party support. In primaries with lots of candidates, the support of Tea Partiers for limited government Republicans like him can have a huge impact. Your block can give such a person the edge needed to win.

Seems to me you need good intelligence about races like this all over the country, and political officers in your midst to gather it and disseminate it to the relevant local Tea Partiers for action.

Politics is the art of the possible. Take a deep breath and recharge your batteries. This isn't over by a long shot!

richard mcenroe said...

Watch what happens in Nevada this weekend...