Saturday 27 March 2010

Think of the young men...

No, not those brave men out fighting for our freedoms. Think of the young men of the Tory Party. Those activists and CCHQ denizens who have heard tales of libidinousness and outbreaks of libertinism upon a Conservative Victory. Those poor men who have worked so hard for their "dear leader" in the hopes they will get "some" on election night. I am talking about those who could not get their leg-over at a Thai brothel with an open house. They have sacrificed so much of their youth and early adulthood for the party only to have Camoron's incompetence deny them what they are due.

On election night when there is a hung parliament or Brown wins again... pause and raise a glass for the virginal Tory men.


Nota reargunner said...

As a lifelong Conservative I thank you for telling the world what we former insiders know. In my constituency of Blackpool we may easily substitute a Labour jackall for a conservative dumb monkey.
Oh for a single condidate of principal, of good character and fair intent instead of the continuous 'me-ites' of the major parties. The conservative candidate wrecked the esprit de corp of the former Royal Marines within the district and has been rewarded with the task of getting the country out of the dooh dooh. I would prefer to bury him than to support him.
Is there not a single hero between the sea and the hils who can rise to the moment?

MikeyP said...

Whatever happens, Brown won't win again. He has never been elected in the first place!

Andrew Ian Dodge said...

Well that is true. No doubt if Brown does get back in he will take it as "a mandate" even if its by a few seats.

Ultimately its pretty pathetic when the Tory boyz on FB are celebrating about a "doubling" of the lead. From 2 to 4...