Sunday 25 April 2010

CHANGE.................from Rico

Now this is some CHANGE you can believe in. Sadly, you just won't hear the talking-heads of Financial TV, any of the MSM, or any politician who covets reelection to their spot at the public trough talking about.

The first chart shows:
- in 1980 US residential mortgage debt was $1 billion
- by 1990 it was $2 trillion
- by 2000 it was $5 trillion
- by 2008 it was $10 trillion
....can you spot the trend? [Read: debt now exceeds equity]

The second chart shows that in 1945, total hoe equity vs. value was about 80%...pretty high. Today it is pretty bad, having reversed/inverted.

- Inflation happened. A significant percentage of the Dollar's purchasing power has been eroded by inflation. One dollar in 1914 = $21.95 in 2010 in terms of purchasing power.
- Stupidity happened. The "worst generation" (boomers) have managed to kill the system...the golden goose...that was left to them by the "greatest generation." Smugly stupid best describes the behavior of my generational cohort...but I'm trying to use polite words here and not say things like "what were you thinking you dope-addled dumbshits?"

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