Sunday 4 April 2010

Paper or plastic?.................from Rico

I was shopping for groceries the other day and was asked "paper or plastic?" for my bagging choice.

It made me think of "we the people" who...having run low on that pretty green "paper" called Federal Reserve Notes...increasingly have to resort to "plastic" to fill the empty financial hole at the end of the month.
- Tax slaves? Even the IRS is accepting "plastic" for tax payments. They have established "payment plans" too. When taxes increase, and we just turn over all our money to the Government we will have accomplished "transformational CHANGE" thanks to our Marxist politicians.

I am looking at the attached chart for "gold" now (see any pattern?) and comparing it to the prettily engraved/printed "paper" on my wall (a $100 trillion Zimbabwe Dollar), but I am not worried!
- Under our Dear Reader Obama-Soetoro we are going to get real "change" and we can look forward to a Socialist lifestyle (as it was known in the former Soviet Union): "You pretend to pay us, and we'll pretend to work."

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