Friday 7 May 2010

Government-sponsored debt slavery............from Rico

While no one was looking, another government take-over has happened. Another 'stealth' consolidation of power.

Non-governmental [read: private] sources of mortgage funding have dried up. At close of 1Q2010 the USG was 96.5% of the mortgage market!

Add to this the 9 years of housing inventory on the market and 7 million homes 30+ days late on their mortgage payments.

And some still HOPE the housing market will return to normal.
- Step away from the crack pipe.

Hey, with Uncle Sam as your landlord/mortgage-holder, what could possibly go wrong?

Remember the song by Tennessee Ernie Ford about 'owing your soul' to the Company Store? The lines went something like "You load 16tons, and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt."
- The point is, when your home is no longer YOUR castle but your Government's property, you become a peasant. A serf.

Welcome to debt slavery, comrades.

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