Friday 28 May 2010

Howard County Teacher Accused of Sex With Student in School Classroom

Howard County Teacher Accused of Sex With Student in School Classroom

COLUMBIA, Md. - A Howard County teacher has been arrested on a charge of having sex with a student in a classroom at Atholton High School in Columbia.

The arrested teacher is 51-year-old First Sgt. Charles Ray Moore, of Bowie. He has been an instructor in the JROTC program since 2005.

The complainant, a 17-year-old girl, told her mother about the involvement and the mother contacted both the school and the police department. Investigators believe there were two consecutive afternoons in mid-May when the teacher and student had sex in a classroom around 4:00 p.m.

Sgt. Moore was placed on administrative leave -- and escorted out of the building -- last Thursday. He was arrested Monday night. Among the charges is the serious offense of sexual abuse of a minor by a person in a position of authority, which, in Maryland carries a potentially stiff prison sentence.


TheNewGuy said...

Ouch! As a former JROTC instructor I can tell you this is definitely a worst case scenario. The 1SGT, if found guilty, should have his peepee removed. Not only does this damage the psyche of that girl for life (unless she was a willing participant) but it tarnishes the reputation of the JROTC program.

Murray said...

Having read the comments two the toughts.

1. I smell some serious BS. but hes screwed now regardless because an accusation is all it takes.

2. They need more English classes at that school.

Mark said...

He's facing a "stiff prison sentence"?

Shall I pause to allow you to fill in your own joke here?

XBradTC said...

"Stiff" sentence, huh?

Isn't what got him into trouble in the first place?

earthman792 said...

Race is a social construct...