Friday 11 June 2010

Red Dawn 2010

Oh Snap! Hollywood's remake of the ancient original Occupied AmeriKa flick looks hot and realistic!

"...Set against the backdrop of contemporary politics, the film begins with an American withdrawal from Iraq. The President decides to redeploy troops to Taiwan, where escalating Chinese militarism is threatening America’s ally. At the same time, he also welcomes the former Soviet republic of Georgia into NATO, unleashing Russian worries that America is spreading its sphere of influence deep into Eastern Europe.

"...Having destabilized relations with two of the world’s largest powers, the President then claims that the U.S. is only partly to blame for a global economic meltdown, further escalating tensions with China and ultimately leading to the invasion of the Pacific Northwest.

Great Satan's premier Research and Development think tank cats had some input and all the right creeps are freaking about it!

Up in arms @ GrEaT sAtAn"S gIrLfRiEnD

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