Sunday 27 June 2010

Thanks guys, THAT will fix things for us!!!!!............from Rico

Banks are NOT lending.

They and Wall Street (at least the too-small-to-succeed entities outside the very small and exclusive 'magic circle' of too-big-to-fail) are scared silly of legislative 'reform' with good reason.
- We should be weeping when these fella's are smiling.

Look at these two 40-pound brains. They blew up housing, Fannie & Freddie, and NOW for their next magic act are going to fix, and I mean REALLY FIX things through more legislative "reform." What assholes.

Oh goody. Yay.

I used to think that whenever politicians talked, no matter what they pretended to be saying or talking about, they were talking about money. Our money.
- I have added to this thought. Now, whenever the clowns-on-the-potomac talk, no matterwhat they pretend to be saying or talking about, they are talking about more power & control by government and less freedom and liberty for the rest of us.

yay. huzzah.
- small caps and lack of exclamation marks intentional.

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