Wednesday 28 July 2010

It's about f**king time the Frogs got into the game...

France declares war on al-Qaeda

H/T Shelly


richard mcenroe said...

If the French are getting in, that means we've already won.

1911A1 said...

You have to declare war first before you can formally surrender.

tom said...

If you had a border with Germany and an ongoing argument with the UK and Islamists, you might have a mixed military history too.

The French Puss People:

When they had an argument with the Algerians they decided Algeria would be a NUCLEAR TEST SITE and when they had an argument with Greenpeace, they sank their boat in Auckland harbor.

The people who brought you untold carnage, lots of knife and sword fighting, Savate, and the FFL. Also the first country to generally field autoloading rifles as issue weapons.

If you want to switch a SA-80/L-85 to left handed shooting, GOOD LUCK. FAMAS you can field strip it and swap a couple parts around and it's a go. FAMAS rifles run like tops and SA-80s fire a couple times between cleanings...

In France "BROWNING" is considered a proper word for a pistol.

And they helped the US revolutionary forces kick out King George and the Hessians.

Nobody's military history is perfect but wanna know something interesting?

Belgium has been a DOOR MAT for battles between significant European Powers forever and nobody makes fun of the Belgians as being puss losers...E.U. even put their HEADQUARTERS in the land of "We couldn't win a war if our life depended on it, even in The Congo against aboriginal people and Cubans, where we had to hire Mike Hoare to help us out..."

When the French do fight, they tend to do it rather well. Everybody's favorite Garands/M1As/M-14 rifles are basically stolen from things developed in Saint-Étienne.

There was this little short Corsican once, too. You might remember him. He was a big wimp too.

/end rant

FrogLegsKeepRunning said...

When the French declare war, it means that they have surrendered. Next they'll be collaborating with al-Qaeda and saying they had no choice.

tom said...

The Reason that England LOST the War of 1812 (or withdrew, depending on how you wish to score it) had a lot to do with most of their military being tied up with that short Corsican feller leading a FRENCH army.

Lots of the US and UK COIN techniques are direct outgrowths of FRENCH COINWAR in AFRICA.

Bigots that don't read their history are about the worst kind of bigots on the planet. You can come up with a LOT of semi-rational-reasons to dislike French people, but you can't blame them for lack of military ability and innovations. UNLESS YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO READ.