Saturday 17 July 2010

More Casa D' Ice, He's back again

H/T Nebraska Bob


LifeoftheMind said...

It is called Freedom and it makes me proud to be an American. In this country anybody can say "The King Is a Fink". All those race baiting thought police thugs, who behaved vilely towards Bush, and are now running around with the nerve to attack the Tea Party by saying "It is completely unacceptable" to criticize Obama because, get this, "He is the Leader of the Free World" as the panel of approved women did on the local NBC news channel can jolly well find a hole and crawl into it.

The children who promoted this disaster need to have all their toys taken away.

Anonymous said...

All of you realize Casa D'Ice is simply a web site where you can type in anything you want and it will show a billboard with what you type, right?