Thursday 12 August 2010

This might be "news" to some......from Rico

This actually might be "news" to some folks.

The name was artfully, the trappings and inferences equally misleading, as a result most who do not pay close attention actually think that the "Fed" is part of our Federal Government.
It is NOT.
The Federal Reserve Bank is privately held. Very privately. Few even know who the ultimate beneficial owners of the Fed are (the Rotschild family and a few other hugley wealthy banking families).
While it could be argued today that our Government is a part of the Fed, truth-be-told the FED IS A PRIVATE BANK!

The US Dollar (look at one, it says Federal Reserve Note on the face of it) is the Private Federal Reserve Currency which has become the basis for our current financial system, and much global trade.

Pray along with Benjamin. Pray very hard. This system is fast unraveling...

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