Tuesday 7 September 2010

Student debt.............from Rico

Student debt.

I had NO idea of the magnitude.

It's there. It's obviously REAL...and a problem.
- Federal Student Loans are a problem. A form of debt slavery. Thanks Sammy.

Housing, mortgages, unemployment, blah-blah-blah ad nauseum in the MSM...but little is said about this.

I was "lucky" years ago.
- I had the GI Bill and about four jobs, so minimal-to-none student loans.

I'd hate to have to "owe" five-figures in student loans today only to find NO JOBS waiting for me.
- Bailing-out our educated future is possibly the ONLY "bailout" I could consider as sensible and a good investment. Screw Wall Street and the TBTF Bank shmucks that sank the economy. The taxpayer-funded "perks" our Congress-critters enjoy would fund a lotta scholarships!!!! Just the jet fuel Nancy Pelosi uses (or the inflight bar tab) weekly to 'commute' from San Fransicko to D.C. and back would help a whole lot of bright students. And I won't get started on her Botox budget.....

Our priorities and values...excuse me, the 'present' priorities and values are inverted pyramids and contravene common-sense.
- Ah..."Common Sense" seems like someone else used the phrase several hundred years ago, eh Sam, Patrick, et. al.?

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