Friday 17 September 2010

You risk your ass for us, its about bloody time we let you have a damn drink!

"As you will have seen a subject that gets my goat and always has done is the ludicrous drinking age in the US. I specifically spoke to the fact that young men and women who risk their lives on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan are unable to have a drink when they return to the “land of freedom”"

More @ The Examiner


Abby Normal said...

There are plenty who are willing to serve them one and most CO's reduce the drinking age on their installations so they don't have to go out in town and the drinking age doesn't stop anyone I know from having one in the land of the free....heck....we have a Kenyan in Chief against the constitution and hundreds of congressmen and judges turning a blind eye to that one - don't even get me started on the drinking age.

Sigivald said...

Serving soldiers under 21 the right to drink?

Hell, give everyone 18 and older the right to drink.

They're defending all of our rights, not special rights for themselves; we should all have that one.

(Well, "we" in the general sense. I'm already well, well over 21.)

Anonymous said...

Need to get your fact straight
ANY US serviceman CAN drink on a military base.Its been that way since I served back in the 1970's

They just cant drink legally off base.

Abby Normal said...

May have been that way at one time - might be that way now - but when I was serving as a Master at Arms the drinking age is set by the commanding officer - just like everything else is set by him as well including curfews, civilian clothes priveledges, driving priveleges, etc. drinking fell in that category.

TOF said...

Having been there and done that, about 50 years ago, I will observe that folks the age of most recruits don't need booze to make them do stupid things.