Sunday 17 October 2010

The FED's Balance Sheet........from Rico

Ever wonder what is on the FED's Balance Sheet?

After yesterday's POMO, the FED, with $821.1 billion, is now the #2 holder of US Treasurys after China. After the announced FED purchases through Nov 8, the FED will be #1 with $853 billion...surpassing China's $847 billion.

Swell. In effect the FED is buying it's own debt. Don't try this at home, it doesn't work any better than Congress raiding the Social Security cash-box and leaving USG IOU's to itself.

Treasurys are unsurprisingly tanking right now, and I rather expect them to drop off a cliff anytime now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't suppose you have a version of that chart that has high enough resolution to be legible?