Sunday 14 November 2010

"Reform" I could have done without..........from Rico

Does anyone 'remember' how, when "Health Care Reform" was rammed, down our throats, we were told this 'reform' would not increase, but rather decrease the costs of health care? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaaa!! [I just LOVE the way these clowns say the opposite of what they mean, and of what is really going on! Think of Obama-Soetoro's "no tax increases if I am elected" April 15th next! ]

I'm one of the 'lucky' ones. I have health insurance. My 2011 premium is ONLY increasing by 20%. I can always HOPE they drop me so I can get some of this "free" stuff instead of having to pay for it.
- Bloody good thing we currently have no inflation to contend with, so we don't need more money to EAT or drive our cars/heat our homes. At least according to the 'offishul' government numbers, but I never seem to see any 'offishuls' when I am at the fuel pump or in line to pay for my groceries. Damned odd, that.

Oh, yay.
- Thanks for THIS reform you lying-thieving Democrat rat-bastids!!!!!! Whaever would we DO without them and Obama-Reid-Pelosi? I cannot wait to find out.

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