Thursday 30 December 2010

The lamest generation................from Rico

The GREATEST generation was followed by the LAMEST generation. Smug, arrogant, childish and child-like. Irresponsible.
- As Nasty Pelosi once said "it's for the children!" She oughtta know. Irresponsibility on Botox.

Now we have the "boomers" beginning to retire.
- The median retirement account these mental midgets have accumulated is $2,000.
- 1 in 3 Americans has $0 [zero] dollars in a retirement account....not ONE rapidly eroding Dollar! Groovy, man. Far out.

Is it any wonder that this electorate turned over the Nation's purse-strings by electing a Democratic Congress in 2006? Cool, huh? The debt accumulated by the 110th and 111th Congress under Reid-Pelosi has dwarfed that of the 100 previous Congresses. Irresponsibility writ large.

Neither Banks nor Nations are TBTF [too big to fail]. Repeat after me: Weimar, Zimbabwe, Argentina...


Anonymous said...

Is there a point to saving depreciating dollars?

talnik said...

"Smug, arrogant, childish and child-like. Irresponsible." Sounds like most Generation X'ers and Y'ers I know. An example is your post.
"[t]his electorate turned over the Nation's purse-strings by electing a Democratic Congress in 2006". You might want to do some homework before you start ripping on other people:
And guess who voted the most for Obama:
Look, don't fall for the "it's some other generation's fault" argument, because that is intentionally divisive. It is some other IDEOLOGY'S FAULT, an ideology that transcends generations and never goes away! A lot of boomers did not want this to happen and have been trying to stop it since Carter. BTW Nancy Pelosi is not a boomer.