Monday 13 December 2010

The Most Boring Celebrities of the Year

Most Boring Celebrities of the Year
The Boring Institute Revives List After a Long Hiatus

South Orange, NJ – It’s official. Lindsay Lohan is the Most Boring Celebrity of the Year according The Boring Institute.

After a hiatus following 9/11, The Boring Institute is back with its annual list of “The Most Boring Celebrities of the Year.”  Founded in 1984 by Alan Caruba, a public relations counselor, the Institute was active for nearly two decades spoofing celebrities, films, and television shows.

This year’s list is filled with familiar show business names. In reverse order, it is:

10. Kanye West. Or is that Kanye Pest?

9. Mel Gibson. Mel is giving bigotry and misogyny a bad name.

8. Betty White. Older than dirt, but she keeps escaping from the Actor’s Home.

7. Keith Olberman.  He and the five other people watching MSNBC need a personality transplant.

6. Joy Behar.  She is proof that having an opinion is not the same as having an IQ that’s lower than room temperature.

5. Justin Bieber. He’s cute and the little girls adore him. An earlier generation felt the same way about Paul McCartney and now they’re all grandmothers.

4. Miley Cyrus. It’s painful watching Miley navigate her teenage years. We wonder what it will be like to go through menopause with her.

3. Lady GaGa. Take away the weird fashion statements plus weird makeup and what do you have? Boy George.

2. Snookie. Cute nickname and not much else. The rumor that people from New Jersey have an attitude is true.

1. Lindsay Lohan. Fresh from rehab, let’s hope America’s most famous drug and alcohol addict stays clean so Charlie Sheen can regain the title.

“We’re not saying that these celebrities are themselves boring people,” says Caruba, “but that the overwhelming media coverage and exposure gets very boring, very fast.”

Caruba is widely known as a daily commentator via his popular blog, “Warning Signs” where he casts a wary eye on politics, popular culture, and other topics. The Boring Institute maintains a blog at


Anonymous said...

"Boring Celebrities" - redundant. All celebrities are boring.

PacRim Jim said...

Would someone explain for me the need for celebrities? Honestly, I see no need for such lens lice.

Cargosquid said...

Betty White is the bomb.

As for Lohan, she's even boring in those "leaked" naked pics.