Tuesday 4 January 2011

The big con game..........from Rico

First the MSM told us we were all gonna freeze to death and die because of man-made global cooling and it's all our fault!
Then they said we were all gonna cook to death and die because of man-made global warming and it's all our fault!
Now they are trying to convince us that we're all gonna die from either one or both and it's all out fault!


There are several themes here:
- We know better than you, because we're so smart and you're NOT, so you had better just believe us! [elitism]
- It's caused by eeeevil humans (whatever the problem) destroying Mother Gaia! [anti-humanism]
- The individual must be punished by the GROUP! [communism]

This is what comes of so-called journalists shilling a political agenda instead of reporting facts, and this is exactly why nobody with two brain cells to rub together gets their "news" from newspapers or magazines or TV anymore....the incredibly arrogant stupidity of the MSM.
- Small wonder there is now a move afoot to clamp down on the internet. Tyranny despises competing thought.....

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