Monday 17 January 2011

A Britney Break from Blogging the Left's Blood Libel

I've been taking a break from blogging the left's blood libel. And I'll tell you, Britney Spears looks phenomenal in her new video clip: "Britney Spears — 'Hold It Against Me' — Rule 5."

That said, I think Saberpoint says it well, "Moving On":

The Left is more than ruthless, they are evil. They seek to rule, not by persuasion or honest debate, but by any means necessary. They revel in slander, character assassination and violence. They are steeped in hatred for all who oppose them. They seek to create and hold a monopoly on news media and editorial opinion; they support voter fraud and stolen elections; they prosecute political opponents on trumped-up charges in kangaroo courts. They have raised "the politics of personal destruction" to a high art form. Fairness, civility and common decency are unknown to them. I do not see the American Left as fellow citizens, I see them as sworn enemies for whom I feel little or no commonality or fraternity.


john joseph jay said...


why put up with 'em?

john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa

Bill said...

So well said! The Left are the philosophical enemies of the free, of individual men and women. After all, they are Collectivists. Individualism and independence is an affront to them. There is no compromise on this point, and the Left are not shy about saying so. It is up to free men and women to defy and deal with this. Are you up to it?