Friday 7 January 2011

Who ARE these idiots?.............from Rico

Who ARE these idiots, a reasonably sane chap might ask?
What color is the sky on the planet THEY obviously live on, I ask?

OK, Janet Napolitano aka "Big Sis" is a disaster-in-action, thus perfect for Berry Soetoro-Obama's regime and purposes.
Joy Behar? My best guess is that she's one of those people only famous for being famous aka she's on TV. Some moronic show called the "View" I'm told, where stupid people argue with other stupid people as entertainment for the viewing stupid people.
- It's worth noting that our Marxist-Muslim-Metrosexual in Chief appeared on this show and fit right in with the cast and the viewership

But I digress...both Janet and Joy are harridans, harpies, and absolutely 'horror show' (h/t to Kubrick's "Clockwork Orange") intellectually BUT they are extreme left-wing nutcases, so are useful idiots for the Ministry of Truth which promotes all views "progressive" much like water cuts rock (this explains BOTH the Grand Canyon and the uber-leftist Democratic Party (C) of today, by the way).

It's not MY job to make them happy by accepting their cultural seppuko and mental hari-kari.

Better them than me..........................

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