Tuesday 1 February 2011

Comparisons..............from Rico

Anyone who lets rags like Time Magazine do their thinking for them has (a) no common sense, and (b) no ability for critical thought.
- In a word: morons.

The comparison of Jimmy Carter and Barry Soetoro must have been too challenging for Time (Carter 'lost' Iran; Soetoro "lost" Egypt...Hell, the entire Middle East, but what did you really expect from a guy who claims 'Hussein' as his middle name?).

But suggesting that our feckless Barry is today's equivalent of Reagan? This is a perfect example of why Time needs the "whang" from the flat of a shovel to the head! Let's compare them, shall we?

Ronnie: Fostered national pride in the military.
Barry: Fostered gay pride in the military.

Ronnie: We begin bombing in five minutes.
Barry: We begin golfing in five minutes.

Ronnie: Made big government a bad word.
Barry: Made big government a bad dream.

Ronnie: A shining city on a hill.
Barry: A home mortgage under water.

Ronnie: Stood up to the Soviets.
Barry: Bowed to the Saudis.

Back to a comparison with Jimmy Carter. I wondered what Barry's "killer rabbit" moment would be....until I remembered that he was married to Michelle, the First Wookie!

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