Saturday 12 February 2011

Ron Paul at CPAC

I'm hardly a fan of Ron Paul, but no doubt he's a top CPAC newsmaker.

The Hill has a report, "
Ron Paul slams Patriot Act, backers drown out jeers at conference." And the big theme at USA Today, "Ron Paul: U.S. ‘propped up’ Mubarak in Egypt." (Via Memeorandum.)

In any case, listen to it. The guy's a crank, IMHO. And from the comments at
Gateway Pundit:

When will this guy just go away? His looney followers are what make me hate the guy. They are worse than Obamabots.
Well, his loony followers make it easier to hate the guy, but Ron Paul's a clown all by himself.

BONUS: More coverage, with a lovely photograph of Mary Katharine and myself: "
Mary Katharine Ham Covers Mitch Daniels' Speech at CPAC."

More hot coverage throughout the night ...


sykes.1 said...

A number of years ago, I actually gave the libertarian party some money. They made the mistake of sending me their newsletter. This turned out to be such a cesspool of utter insanity that I made sure never to support them again.

Ron Paul is not the craziest Libertarian, but he is an idiot. By the way, he is also an anti-semite, which should give the GOP pause. However, it appears that the libertarians are slowly taking over the GOP just as the socialists captured the Democrat Party several years ago.

With the two parties continuing their evolutions into extremist group, will we have Weimar-style street battles in 2012?

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul is a nutjob, and his followers are certified nutjobs. I would vote for Obama before I would vote for that digusting freekazoid, and that's saying something.

William said...

Yeah, because it's "loony" to support

-smaller government
-smaller military
-smaller banks
-cutting foreign aid
-minimal taxation

Yeah, that's totally insane. Can't imagine why anyone would support that stuff. It's also insane to point out that we've sent billions of dollars of aid to Egypt, because we're the good guys, and the good guys don't support dictators.

And you're right, Ron Paul is an anti-semite. He hates every semite out there, like those damn semite Palestinians.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul is one of the few people that understands how far the US has fallen and how trapped it has become by corporatism.

BTW, Mitch Daniels speach was fantastic.

Rickvid in the Yakima Valley said...

Paulistas are churlish petulant childen. They are as arrogant and dismissive as LaRouche's worst idiot minions. A wide tent need not include every chirping rat that runs about gnawing thru the guy wires.

Unknown said...

paulbots and obamabots are 2 sides of the same bad penny.

neither can look at their candidate objectively.

LifeoftheMind said...

Rudy Giuliani did his best work in the campaign 2 plus years ago when he smacked down Ron Paul in a debate. Paul is now the Republican version of Lyndon Larouche.

Unknown said...


Imo, the long decades of compromise have only led us to this intolerable place.

I doubt there's much more elasticity remaining in the situation. There's about as much energy stored up in the stretch as the fabric can sustain.

Since more energy stored means more harsh in the lash-back, things look to be nasty sooner than later.

PS. I also believe R Paul to be an idiot. It's also been my experience that those claiming to be big L Libertarians tend to be anarchos in disguise.

On the other hand, the "traditional" GOP of the last few decades has been not much more than a ladle weaksauce and a gaggle of quislings for their Leftist overlords.