Monday 28 March 2011

1 comment:

Bigol said...


Thank you for the last link, and now I have another... feel free to use the image, or just the link!
Obama has continued many of the same programs started by Bush, all the while running up trillions in debt for domestic spending repaying the unions and special interest that got him elected. In a fair world the 24 hour news cycle would be filled with the following headlines:
Obama lied about the reasons to go to war.
Obama holding thousands of prisoners without charges, without legal representation and for an indefinite period of time.
Obama is running secret prisons.
Obama ignores the Geneva Convention.
Obama treats detainees inhumanely. Allows troops to kill civilians.
Obama uses the Patriot Act to pry into library records and lord knows what else.
Obama illegally spying on TEA party activists.
Obama tramples on the rights of citizens.

But then, we all know life isn’t fair. Not when you can buy one party with trillions in debt.