Sunday 27 March 2011

Earth hour?...............from Rico

Yes, the Eco-terrorists aka ecotard, enviro-weenies, moonbats, and flaming Commies want you to 'celebrate' their idea of Earth Hour (by turning-off everything that lights-heats-refrigerates, uses energy) on the half hour for an hour tonight at 8:30pm.
- Sit in the dark, be cold and hungry to please your Comrades and make Mother Gaia happy! Social justice and saving-the-planet [read: Communism] can do that for you. Ingrates!
Yeah, good plan that!

I join Vilmar in wanting to tell all the:
- tofu-farting, lily-livered, twig-eating, Prius-driving, Freedom-hating, can't we all just get along, Birkenstock-wearing, kumbaya-singing, bleeding-heart-librul, Starbucks-swilling, elitistpansies
- ki$$ my a$$ while reading Albert Gore's electric bill from his TN mansion,

AND I'll not only turn-on all of my incandescent lights, but maybe practice some night-firing techniques with live ammo at 20:30 hours tonight.

Earth hour? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?

PS - Some of us will remember 'Reddy Kilowatt' who was the Ronald MacDonald of the generation that saw the electrification of modernity and scrapped their kerosene lamps in favor of electricity and thomas Alva Edison's light bulb.

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