Saturday 12 March 2011

Japanese Nuclear Plant at Risk of Overheating

It could be "Three Mile Island or worse."

See "
Meltdown at Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Plant?"


Fred Z said...

Worse than 3 mile island? Quelle horreure!!!

Nearly as bad as a liberal farting then.

Joseph Somsel said...

The best information is from TEPCO's English language site - they own the place.

Meltdown has been averted but now the problem is making sure there is a controlled and filtered release of some radioactive gases. One wants to wait for the winds to blow out to sea.

BTW, I'm a nuclear engineer with 30 years experience on these type reactors.

Of course, it is difficult using second hand info but the MSM is playing this as a drama. Be skeptical!

Joseph Somsel said...

Surprising events this morning. TEPCO's site is down now but the video of the explosion is serious. It COULD be from the non-nuclear side of the plant - hydrogen is used there for electrical cooling.

My deepest respects and best wishes to my Japanese colleagues who have stuck to their posts and done their duty for better or worst.

There will be more news.