Sunday 13 March 2011

Water, and.........from Rico

Here are two world maps. One is of "food" and the other of "water." Compare them. Do they 'tell' you anything?
- Think: The 'Rule of Three' for a moment. Three hours without shelter and you can die of exposure. Three days without water and you can die. Three WEEKS without food and you can die.

Now look at this great photo of shoppers in Hawaii after they were warned of a tsunami.
- The smarter ones have bottled water in their carts, not snacks and soft drinks like a few dumbasses. I say 'smarter' and not 'smart' because IF you live on an island and you keep potable water on hand at all times you're smart.

Natural and man-caused disasters can happen anytime, almost anywhere on the planet. You just never know exactly when or where, but they surely will happen. Once they happen it's too late to get ready, and 'woulda-coulda-shoulda' won't keep you alive.
- Remember Hurricane Katrina? If you're one of those who still think the Government is going to save your ass, you're one of the dumbasses.

Think Japan's quake. Think Washingtoon, DC.
- Japan:
Stories are already coming out of Japan of a quarter-million people stranded in shelters and six million without power. In one of the most 'civil' and well-behaved societies on this planet there have already been reports of looting, long waits for supplies, and hoarding.
- Washingtoon, DC:
They've set-aside for themselves already. Amply so, sparing no expense on the taxpayer's dime. The rest of us are quite alone and completely on our own..........


Kalroy said...

Having grown up in Hawai'i (but having left in 86) we always had a case of Spam. Oh, and when there was a hurricane or such headed our way we filled the tub with water, cleaned and filled the trash cans with water. Used duct tape and masking tape all over the windows and generally prepped really well. I don't doubt that the younger generations prep less since we've all grown up having a softer, cushier life than our parents > grandparents > great-grandparents etc. I believe this has led to being less prepared.

Oh, and in Hawai'i people are smart enough not to live below sea level next to the ocean (hello New Orleans).


Kalroy said...

Having grown up in Hawai'i (but having left in 86) we always had a case of Spam. Oh, and when there was a hurricane or such headed our way we filled the tub with water, cleaned and filled the trash cans with water. Used duct tape and masking tape all over the windows and generally prepped really well. I don't doubt that the younger generations prep less since we've all grown up having a softer, cushier life than our parents > grandparents > great-grandparents etc. I believe this has led to being less prepared.