Wednesday 27 April 2011

COMEX = CRIMEX..............from Rico

I had been an options trader before Andy McGuire "blew the whistle" to the CFTC about market manipulation by the Giant Squids [read: TBTF banks] but I walked away from that gig. My 'book' wasn't as deep as the Giant Squid's was....

Today was a textbook example of orchestrated, blatant, short-term market-rigging by Jamie Dimon and Blythe Masters et fact, they took it to the playoffs today!
- They brought in 4 carloads of Mexican Los Zetas (that's about 120 pax) to 'take care' of things. Paid 'em cash - problem solved!! No more parabolic gold and silver spot prices .....for today, anyway!

It was merely a 'coincidence' that the COMEX (or as many call them, CRIMEX) May options 'expired' and went off the board today for gold and silver, and the dollar-based spot prices were whacked heavily by 'naked' short paper provided by the usual suspects.

A word of wisdom, here:
- Fiat currencies do NOT float, but something else does!

1 comment:

TheBigHenry said...

English translation?