Saturday 28 May 2011

Code Pink- Weenie Hut Juniors Hook Up

Everyone knows about the General Betrayus and their friends - selective outrage collective nom d'guerr'd "Code Pink" - where true outrages are often ignored to worry about stuff that seldom seems to matter.

When Code Pink's concern d'jour is hit up with the damoneoconically delish Straussian "Which one of these things is not like the other thing?" microscope - it's more than risible, sad or dumb - it's outrageous.

And all the cool kids know about the Weenie Hut Juniors guy. Named after the hangout in Spongebob Squarepants home turf of 'Bikini Bottom"  Professor Walt often worries about the wrong thing, like his "Binding Great Satan For Dummies" (go ahead - all together now - 'Who in their right mind would want that?) - and, but of course, mademoiselle, l'piece d'risible resistance  - the tell tale naughty Nakbah Necronomicom "Little Satan Posse."

Also - be to sure to know about how Professor Walt like ruined everything with Belfer's Iran Wargames. He pretended to be DefSec Gates and started yet another war - this time with an ally. Allowing Gary Sick (who was pretending to be Preacher Command) to win by default as Professor Walt dang near launched a war of aggression on Little Satan over some apartment/duplex thingys - that - as best understood - have failed to kill anyone or threaten to change the balance of power in any meaningful way.

Nodobbys perfect - no doubt - (in fact, see how a certain element truly ruined the Committee of Five's SOCOM2015 war gaming sexercise with a nasty surprise launched from Mexico that obliterated Ft Huachuca's entire Army Intell school sometime).

Yet, just like lost weekends, lost panties and wicked rumors tend to pile up on a girl faster than uncles at a family game of touch football - Professor Walt's suspect judgement in hooking up with a group of women haters, America haters, P4 haters and democrazy haters ( not to mention his curious trysts with despots like Colonel Khadaffy) - may ensure he is widely regarded as a hater - instead of a non compos mentis academic.

So, this is realpolitik - the ancient amoral corrupt Cult of Stability and one of it's ancient corrupt amoral High Priests.

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