Thursday 26 May 2011

Dershowitz in Dan Friedman

Have pity on professional “defender of Israel,” Alan Dershowitz. An apologist for Obama and his hostility towards Israel, he’s having a hard time apologizing for Obama’s latest display of animus and incompetence. What’s more, since his client just won’t listen to reason, the Harvard law professor and $500 an hour mouthpiece is feeling such angst that’s he’s taken on Obama’s case pro bono. Have a look here for Dersh’s proposed new defense strategy replete with the words he’d put in Obama’s mouth.

Of course, it’s not altruism alone that’s motivating the man. Dershowitz and his silver tongue were big backers of Obama in 2008 and helped drive a lot of Jewish sheep into Obama’s abattoir. (Not that they needed much of a push.) Still, Dershowitz is a visionary and sees the next election approaching. If Obama continues to ignore his council, the legal beagle’s street cred will be on the line, and for anyone suffering from logorrhea, silence is not an option. Will he still encourage his Jewish minions – who hang on his every word – to walk into the same propeller after the mess Obama’s made of our relationship with Israel (which is only going to get worse)? Or will Dershowitz endure the unendurable, do the unthinkable, and come to terms with Obama’s hard-left anti-Zionism and instruct his Jews to pull the lever for a (gasp!) Republican? Hey, if I faced a choice like that, I’d put my head in the sand too.

Dan Friedman

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