Thursday 26 May 2011

M3 defines 'girly, M2W1 now?'............from Rico

God have mercy on us all.

2008? WHO signs a guestbook 2008 in 2011 except (a) a moron, (b) a Marxist moron, (c) a drug-addled/brain-fried Marxist moron, or (d) our very own (gaaaaak, hock, ptooey!) Barry Soetoro a.k.a. Barack O'Bama?
- Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot?

Our nation's First M3 [Muslim-Marxist-Metrosexual] must have been stoned out of his mind BEFORE drinking all that 'free' Guinness with his pinky in the air!
He follows this swayve-and-deboner performance with defining the very essence of 'girly-man'.....yeeeesh!!!

I may have to redefine him as M2-W1 after this in honor of Joplin, MO. "Muslim-Marxist-Wussy" seems about right.
- Now, how to 'work' the term "uber-doofus" into the descriptor?

Methinks Scotland Yard was on to something when they used "chalaque"* [Punjabi for 'smart=aleck'] as his code name for this visit.
* The meaning is 'someone too clever for their own good.'

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