Saturday 7 May 2011


War on photography update: NJ Assembly wants to ban taking pictures of children in public

Why Herman Cain Won and Rick Santorum Lost the GOP Debate

Fullbore Friday

Iran’s Supreme Leader calls for Ahmadineja​d to resign

On the "$UPERflous Carrier"

Obama's Anti-Energ​y Policies Are Bankruptin​g America

OK, now what do we do with them?

Maximize Her Pleasure Above the Waist

Operational Uncertainties Require Flexibility, Gates Says

Iranian MP: Bin Laden was Zionist puppet

Now Shovel Ready: the Blackwater Criminal Prosecutio​n

Is the Obama Administra​tion Setting Up to Throw the SEALS Under the Bus???

U.S. Weapons Reaching Cartel Hands a HUGE Scandal

The PLO’s desperate defenders

Al-Qaida Operative Captured in Iraq in 2004 Was Key Source for ID’ing Bin Laden Courier

On this day of all days! Hundreds of militant Muslims stage mock funeral for Bin Laden outside U.S. embassy in London... as relatives of 7/7 terror attack victims weep at inquest just three miles away

70% of Gaddafi’s armoury blasted

Osama bin Laden killing 'should serve as warning to Gaddafi' says head of Armed Forces

Syrian forces kill dozens on Day of Defiance rally

Yemen: Ali Abdullah Saleh vows to cling to power

Athens Mulls Plans for New Currency : Greece Considers Exit from Euro Zone

Treasure Trove for Spooks: What Bin Laden's Seized Data Stash Could Reveal

Change in Russia's Far East: China's Growing Interests in Siberia

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