Monday 23 May 2011

There's No One as Irish as Barack O'Bama 2012 - Corrigan Brothers

This blog has lot to do with our friends The Corrigan Brothers success. To spare their blushes I won't publish the original version of the song that they sent me 3 years ago. But you can see it HERE. After much persuasion they re-recorded it as the huge hit which now doubt will be played a lot today.

I hope that they and the residents of Moneygall enjoy their day in on the world stage.

Welcome Home President Barack O'Bama Corrigan Brothers Feat. Derek Mooney and Brenda O'Donoughe


Anonymous said...

Socialist Obama will be in good company with the Socialist Republic of Ireland.

These Socialist idiots are dancing in the Street in anticipation of the Messiah's first coming.


Not because he's "the man", but more because there'll be plenty of dosh generating in the tourist sector.

If you're thinking of stopping in and snuggling up to the Blarney stone think again.

Ireland is a gigantic rip off, with gas prices $10 a gallon, medeocre food 3-times the price as america and faux Irish heritage sites willing to construct a fairy tale about your ROOTS!

Stay home and visit beautiful America. Your bank account will thank you.

Anonymous said...

Let's make a deal: You keep O'Bama. America does not want him back.

Why anyone would celebrate that man is beyound me. Does Hitler's hometown still celebrate his birthday with a parade?