Tuesday 21 June 2011

Pure BS.................from Rico

Looking at the latest BS from BLS regarding unemployment by state reminded me of all the BS from America's very own uber-ShamWow man.
You know, Mr "spread-the-wealth around. The Marxist who lied to us all that his "stimuLess" and 'recovery' plan would prevent massive unemployment...blah-blah-blah.

I am uninterested in what he says anymore because it is (a) usually a lie, (b) always the opposite of what he intends to do, and (c) is frankly moronic drivel read from his teleprompter, and (d) reliably pure BS.
- It is far MORE crucial to keep an eye on what he actually DOES. While he has always been more of a 'talker' than a 'doer' the results so far have been simply horrible (unless you're so confused and misquided that you think Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao were really swell fella's who deserved better followers and fellow-travelers and then things would have been just ducky under them...)!

The pathetic Hugo Chavez wannabe!!!

1 comment:

PacRim Jim said...

Notice that power is shifting to the South. Who won the Civil War might not be so obvious.