Thursday 30 June 2011

SAY vs. DO...........from Rico

We have become, instead of "the land of the free" the land of "do as I say, but not as I do" (at least according to our self-annointed political uber-betters.
But, instead of waxing on about the philosophical differences between freedom and individuality vs. Marxist group-think, I have a stellar example of the HUGE dichotomy between what is SAID and what is DONE, and a tangible one at that!
- It is ALWAYS wiser to watch what these jokers DO and pretty much ignore what they SAY (since they are all congenital liars anyway).

Six months into 2011, the US Mints has announced it will begin selling 2011 Silver Eagle (1oz) coins starting noon tomorrow. Here is the dichotomy:
Silver closed on the NYMEX/Comex "spot" markets today at $34.78/oz.
The Mint will be selling their 1oz silver coins at the low-low-low fire sale price of $59.95!
- Such a deal! Oy vey!!

But it gets better. Consider that it will take almost 60 paper Federal Reserve Notes (a.k.a. Greenbacks, US Dollars) to buy one of these coins bearing a 'face value' of ONE DOLLAR. Go figure that one out.
- Must be easier than printing 1/60th of a dollar on the paper confetti laughingly referred to as US Dollar bills....and, since the scam of tanking the purchasing power of the Dollar shows no sign of ending what would be the point of adding zeroes to the dies on our silver coins? I doubt the Mint could keep up with the Fed's printing presses.

This is unraveling fast. Here I had just become 'used' to considering my $1 silver coins as $50-Dollar pieces, and now they are $60-Dollar pieces while the Greenback is fast approaching the value of toilet tissue!
- This is a perfect example of the inflation that we do not have...................

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