Sunday 24 July 2011

Debt solution explained for Democrats............from Rico

These six cartoon panels offer a clear explanation of the current Debt Ceiling [read: Crisis, never let go to waste, Rohm Enamel].
It's brief, succint, and easy to could almost call it "Debt Ceiling for Dummies" but I'm not overly certain that all Democrats (C) will grasp the concept.

Those with a pulse understand the First Law of Holes. When you find yourself at the bottom of one: STOP DIGGING!
Incredible that the only 'debt solutions' I've hear proposed yet consist of "keep digging" [read: borrowing, spending, and printing more FRN's*].

Makes me badly quote Horace "Ignoramus expellas furca, tamen usque revinit." [You may drive stoopid out with a pitchfork, she will nevertheless come back.]
- Apologies, old boy.

*FRN's, "Federal Reserve Notes = IOU Nothing" laugh our Private Bank a.k.a. The Federal Reserve

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