Wednesday 27 July 2011

Freedom of CHOICE......from Rico

Freedom of CHOICE is what (so far) separates us from the animals who submit to being 'TOLD' what to do, and who have NO CHOICE in the matter.

I CHOSE to volunteer back in the time of the 'Draft' because I insisted on choosing, and not being TOLD. Still do.
- I'm glad I did it, and would do it all over again...even knowing what I know now. To badly paraphrase Edith Piaf "no regrets" [how's that go? '...non rien rien, non je ne regrette rien...' or something like that in my tinny Teutonic ear anyway].

What is troubling is that so many have no understanding, or respect for, the very rights that have been so hard won and dearly paid for, instead defaulting to 'submit' [translation: Islam] when they still have the choice to say "lan astaslem" [I will not submit].

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