Thursday 7 July 2011

Lies, Damned Lies and Jewish Dan Friedman

Yesterday I sent around a Gallup poll which showed Obama maintaining most of the overwhelming Jewish support he received in the ‘08 election. Political strategist Dick Morris did his own polling and comes to a different conclusion:
Obama is in the process of breaking the close relationship between his party and the Jewish community, a liaison first formed by Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s. In increasing numbers, American Jews and Jewish Democrats are leaving the president's side.
Have a look at Morris’s numbers here.

Dan Friedman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Iran must be aware by now that they have two years to destroy Israel, the period that the USA has a guaranteed anti-Western, antisemetic, Islamophile in the Whitehouse.

One can only assume that most American Jews who still support the Democrats are incredibly stupid people not to have realised yet what is going on.