Saturday 23 July 2011

The modern State..............from Rico

Why the State is Such a Difficult Opponent

The ill-advised, but essentially "truthful" DHS video...the one where the white guy is the 'terrorist' and almost everyone who 'reports' is a symbol of diversity...makes it pretty plain. Painfully clear.
- The current crop of phonies, fakes, and frauds running the Gov't DON'T LIKE AMERICANS.

I especially admired the cartoon below [the evolution of government] since, it is obvious that 'we the people' working on the Gov't's "tax farm" are the logical conclusion of the "Modern State"...
as the Statists view it [read: Communists, Socialists, Nazi's, Fascists].
- Small wonder the Declaration and Constitution are so loathed, reviled and FEARED by these enemies of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness a.k.a. FREEDOM.

No, despite the constant drumbeat of propaganda und agitation I do not share the view that I require the State to be my savior and all-being, all-providing Big Brother.
This concept of the State is NOT your friend...the friend of this State IS the State, and only the State.
- Everyone and everything else is expendable and can be replaced.

I beg to differ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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