Sunday 17 July 2011

The "new (Banking) normal".............from Rico

Here's something the "professional politicians" know better than anyone, but they aren't talking about this. Neither are their apologists and kept whores in the MSM and FTV, who are only too happy to NOT provide any facts or information to "we the people" serving up an endless series of 'distractions' instead.

Our financial system [read: Banks] is broken.

Thanks to the "professional politicians" repeal of Glass-Steagall, the "new (banking) normal" is this:
- FDIC has quietly increased its Troubled Banks list by 180, and added 1,600 employees to handle Bank failures.

The 'offishul' public stance is that "all is well" but the retail banking system is now a hollow facade that has been gutted by our "professional politicians" (you know them, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Obama-Soetoro, et al).
- I cannot wait to see the unintended consequences of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform when implemented 7/15!!!

At least the bailouts of the TBTF BIG Banks created a few jobs, albeit at the FDIC so they can liquidate the TSTR (too small to rescue) Banks!

You can put a fork in it, it's done.

***Gold is trading at a spot price near $1,586 FRN's per ounce. Bernanke could not be reached for comment and one wanted to hear what Berry had to say.***

1 comment:

PacRim Jim said...

If you agree with this assessment, you might consider ordering the one-year food bundles sold by and other companies, just in case of hyperinflation.
You might also consider arming yourself and stocking up on ammo, to keep what you would still have.
If you think the government will take care of you, ignore the advice above.