Friday 15 July 2011

NEWS FLASH.............from Rico

Bernanke denies Gold is Money; makes alarming claims re: roundness of Earth; ape Grandfather. Stop.

Confirming before Congress that he is a 'tool' of this colossal Ponzi scheme (no small thing, since most of Congress are 'tools' themselves...the Paul's excepted), completely denying the hard facts that:
- The value of Gold, Silver, Oil, Food has NOT increased but that the value of the US Dollar is tanking.
- Germany doesn't want a Europe where money is transferred from the ants to the grasshoppers, and it doesn't want the Greeks and Portuguese using their Teutonic credit card.
- France doesn't want a Europe in which its banks are allowed to go broke because of nothing more than their own incompetence.
- Italy doesn't want a Europe without Bunga-Bunga parties.
- Greece just wants to put a stop to being 'reared' by the EU.

And, funniest of ALL: Benny of the FED assures Congress that it is ready to do even MORE of what simply hasn't worked.

Swell. Just effin' SWELL!

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