Saturday 2 July 2011


Iran smuggles weapons to Iraq, Afghanista​n

Venezuelan army insists that Chavez is still in charge

Syria: Realpolitik Or Folly?

Special Forces Retrieve "Dead and Wounded" in Somalia

Last whimper from the Gaza flotilla?

ATF gunrunning weapons turning up in Phoenix crime investigat​ions

Harvard Study Says 4th of July Events Are Hazardous to Liberals

North Korea to Head U.N. Conference on Disarmament

U.S. Military Focuses on Training with Six Months Left to Iraqi Pullout

Writer Kia Abdullah mocks death of gap year students on Twitter


Iraq Cracks Down on Iran-Backed Shiite Militias

Health and safety fears are 'taking the joy out of playtime'

'I wish I could have pulled the trigger on Osama bin Laden’

Why the French have fallen out of love with wine

Saddam Hussein's 'torture doctor' worked in NHS hospital

Syrian protesters 'in largest anti-Assad rally yet'

Sudanese army seizes southern Libyan town

Libya: Colonel Gaddafi threatens to target Europe if air strikes do not stop

Hugo Chavez's continued absence risks 'unprecedented political crisis' in Venezuela

Kim Jong-il's half-brother under house arrest because of resemblance to Kim Il-sung

South Korea lifts Scotch Whisky trade barriers

Greece bars vessels carrying several hundred activists from leaving Greek ports for Gaza Strip

Sydney bans smoking on one side of the street but not the other

Libyan rebels respect German military inaction

Retired bomber lands at new home at museum

and finally.......

Safer Sex: Greens Warn against Dangerous Dildos

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