Friday 1 July 2011

Rich Schmuck (No, it's not Soros) Dan Friedman

Luckily, this loser’s mother knew how to sell lipstick, otherwise he might have been a dentist. As it is, the schlub bought his way into a position of Jewish “leadership” and a place at court. Currently, he’s in a panic over the possibility the PLO will be granted “statehood” by the UN, and he just can’t understand why the Prime Minister of Israel isn’t hysterical too. (Must have something to do with the PLO shooting itself in the foot.) You would think Lauder, a nominal “right-winger” as Jewish “leaders” go, would be able to contain himself and keep his irrational fears under control. But fact is, he’s only doing what comes naturally to his spineless species. Put the slightest pressure on these self-appointed empty suits and they automatically assume the position and go into cringing mode. df

Top Jewish leader and close Netanyahu ally blasts PM for lack of diplomatic plan

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