Sunday 17 July 2011

What's YOUR plan?..............from Rico

I'm fading the Bernank's answer of the other day when Ron Paul asked him directly (directly, how refreshing and what a novel concept among professional politicians...but I digress) "What is money?"

What IS money? It is ANY unit of exchange that two willing parties will exchange for tangible goods or services.

Zimbabwe used to have money, but it's been years since anyone would accept it in trade for anything.

The US still has money, but the FRN (Federal Reserve Note) only continues to be money as long as anyone believes it is.
- It's dying right before our eyes.

Money being anything two parties agree is money, would you rather exchange your time or products for Rhodesian Dollars, Zimbabwe Dollars, US Dollars (Bernanke Bucks)....or Gold and Silver?

At this very moment, they are panning for gold in Communist Zimbabwe (the former Rhodesia for Democrats (C)) to buy bread.

What is YOUR plan?

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