Friday 12 August 2011

The Iowa Debate

"Both Gingrich and Paul have a nasty demeanor of a sort that, I think, will never make it to the White House..."

That's Althouse on the performance last night of New Gingrich and Ron Paul. And that's funny, because it's those two who I chose to blog on as well. (I've met Gingrich personally, and I've mentioned before, he's a terrible people-person. Ron Paul? I've never met him. But, well, he's just crackpot all around.)

See, "The Iowa Debate."

Previously, "Ron Paul at GOP Debate: 'There Was No Al Qaeda in Iraq'," and "Newt Gingrich at GOP Debate: 'Put Aside the Gotcha Questions'."



ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

"Representative Ron Paul has the most consistent record in Washington of defending the constitutional limits of government of any person in Congress. Over nearly three decades, Representative Paul has never voted for a tax increase, an unbalanced budget, a debt limit increase, federal gun restrictions, foreign aid, bailouts of private institutions, or unconstitutional spending of any kind.

He consistently earns a perfect 100-percent rating on The New American’s “Freedom Index,” and has stood alone in defending the U.S. Constitution in so many 434-1 votes in the House of Representatives that he earned the nickname “Dr. No.” He is also a Duke University Medical School graduate and obstetrician who’s delivered 4,000 babies."
I guess Thomas Jefferson also qualified as a "real crackpot" as well.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul is called a nut because Americans have forgotten the Constitution. Elected officials, appointed officials, military officers all take an oath and swear to support and defend that Constitution. Yet when Paul highlights Constitutional issues he is called a nut.

Out of the runners, Ron Paul is the only contender who actually follows the Constitution. He is the only contender who would insure the US government followed the Constitution. He is the only one who will get the US out of the economic jam we are in.

The others are just another flavor of politician who will enslave Americans.


Francis W. Porretto said...

Let's give Mr. Douglas a fair chance. Tell us, Mr. Douglas: Which of Dr. Paul's views, in your estimation, qualify him as a crackpot?

And no ad hominems, if you please; You're entitled to your opinion -- opinions are like assholes; everyone has to have one -- but if you presume to denigrate my intelligence or erudition, we'll have to compare credentials, and trust me, that's something you don't want to do.

Minicapt said...

He is ex-Air Force.
