Wednesday 17 August 2011

Rescue me from the rescuers!..........from Rico

Since Bernanke 'announced' QE2 policy in August 2010, this is exactly what has happened to prices. Remembr, there IS no inflation!
In the real world, outside the ivory towers and cesspits of DC, this is what haqs happened to prices:
- Silver +115%
- Corn +71%
- Sugar +48%
- Gas +45%
- Coffee +38%
- Copper +23%

Contrary to the 'story telling' of the deflation boogeyman needing to be vanquished by our valiant private bank known as the FED (by the presstitutes of the MSM, Wallstreet and the muppets in DC), we have a problem. 'solve' the problem, the Middle Class has been 'sold' down the river to 'save' those TBTF guys [read: Bank of America, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Societe Generale)) who have in the past three months dropped:
- Societe generale <41.23%>
- Bank of America <34.95%>
- Morgan Stanley <25.74%>
- Citigroup <24.71%>
- Goldman Sachs <15.79%>
..........................what a swell rally, eh?

Please, rescue ME from the rescuers!!!
- These numbnuts cannot print jobs!

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